Part 115: Dight NPC Chatter 13
Welcome back!
Just two more sweeps through Dight, then we're done with Disc 1's NPC chatter!

: Oh, I know. Maybe he's in the Valley of the Flying Dragon.

: I think you're right. Well, be careful, Justin! Gadwin's house is in the Valley of the Flying Dragon. Be careful, Justin!

: Gadwin was busy thinking of a way to cross the Sea of Mermaids. Maybe that's why he looked like that.

: Oh, I see. I reckon Gadwin would want to go back hom, to the Valley of the Flying Dragon.
No, not all of the new NPC chatter at this point is "Hey, Gadwin's house is in that one dungeon you haven't been to for, like, ever."

: Huh? Oh, sorry, sorry. I've got a cold. Ya see, my back got better, so I finally got out for some fishing. But I got so excited pulling in the fish that I fell overboard and caught this stupid cold. Aahh-choooo!

: Yuck! You sprayed me!

: And to think my back was all better. Now I've got this cold. Guess I better go see Dr. Alma again. Oh, well.
Even this guy gets new dialog here.

: That's right. I have to make some new harpoons for the next fishing trip! Whew! I almost forgot about that! Anyway, let's not talk about harpoons. Oh no! Now I've forgotten what I was going to say. I need to think. Now what was I thinking? Why can't I remember? Huh? I've been having such a hard time trying to remember things. Now what was I gonna say just then? What was it?!

: It may be even more dangerous for land lubbers like you. I don't want to stop you. I just hope you're ready.
And that's that for the period between when we talk to Gadwin at the inn and when we beat him up and take his boat. So let's return after that, shall we?

: I think she's at the dock. Better get over there right away.

: Don't worry, we're adventurers. Any kind of danger's OK with us!
Subtle, this game ain't.

: Those armbands are proof that you're warriors. But they look more like proof of romance on you two.

: The Sea Dragon? Is that Gadwin's boat?

: Yeah. It's been passed on in Gadwin's family for years. It's the sturdiest boat in Dight. The Sea Dragon is a great boat. She hardly sways in a storm.

: No, he said he had to leave on another training mission.

: A training mission? He left already? He went alone and left you behind? Then he must've left you something. Anything from him deserves good care.

: That fella never stops training. He'll turn up by surprise eventually. We would love to see you folks again. And especially Justin, Hero of Dight! We're looking forward to the next time you visit. We'll expect to hear some adventure stories.
Holy crap, House 1 has new dialog, too!

: Oh yes, well, Gadwin is lending us his boat!

: You mean the Sea Dragon? Oh, well I suppose you'll be pretty safe in that boat. Just the same, Mr. Justin, I hope you'll be very careful.

: Yes, of course!

: Well, yes, of course! Gadwin will be lending us his boat.

: Gadwin must think very highly of you to be lending you his boat like that. If Gadwin thinks you can do it, I suppose you will cross the Sea of Mermaids, but.... You must be prepared. Death awaits anyone who meets up with a mermaid.

: Got it! Any mermaid that crosses my path'll be sorry!

I hear crafts made from their bones are worth much more than those of land creatures.

: Mr. Justin, may you always have the Spirits' protection.
Hmm. What about the kid? Does she finally get something new to say?
And that's that! See you next time!